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Welcome to the INOVAIT Discovery Forum

INOVAIT Discovery Forum is the network’s annual meeting of members, bringing together academic and industry leaders from across the country to explore and leverage the evolution of disruptive artificial intelligence-enhanced image-guided therapy technologies in the reinvention of healthcare. 

The meeting is a showcase of leading-edge IGT technologies, best practices, and research. Academic and industry participants are invited to present progress of their funded projects and discuss achievements, challenges, and opportunities. The event fosters knowledge sharing, new perspectives, and collaboration, and provides unique opportunities to make important connections and support networking. 

Select pre-event features are now available! Participants can now preview the attendee directory, view pre-recorded content from industry members, and pre-schedule meetings and engage with other network members. Click here to view attendees and start networking! 

 Access pre-conference content! Click here to watch pre-event recorded presentations from participating INOVAIT industry members. These recordings are five-minute videos that highlight our industry members, their projects and technologies, and potential areas of expertise and collaboration interests. 

View the full schedule and agenda (login required) 

If you need assistance please check our FAQ. If you do not find the answer there please email: Ahmed.nasef@sunnybrook.ca or contact us at 647-818-7899.